Monday, November 7, 2011

What is Obesity?

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According to the article Healthy Eating & Diet (HED)
 ¨Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat. A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight. The most common measure of obesity is the body mass index or BMI. A person is considered overweight if his or her BMI is between 25 and 29.9; a person is considered obese if his or her BMI is over 30.¨

What are the Three Main Causes of Obesity in America?

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The three main causes of obesity in America are:
  • UnhealthyEating Habits
  • Lack of Exercise
  • Genetic Inherintance


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The last graph show the percent of obesity in the last 35 years.
According to the fallowing video link show us that ¨1 out of 3 adults and 1out of 6 children are obese, because they do not have a healthy lifestyle.¨

Unhealthy Eating Habits

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The first consequence of obesity is Unhealthy eating habits. This is a bad habit and consists in eating junk food, consume more calories than normal range. This junk food has high level of sugar, cholesterol and people do not drinking enough water.
Nowadays exist several factors why people have unhealthy eating habits. For example, people who do not have time to eat healthy go to restaurant to eat fast-food and they have little time to eat they consume their food too faster 

Lack of Exercise

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Other reason why obesity exists is the lack of physical activity. This lack of exercise is because people have a busy life style. For example, they work all of time and not have a break to exercising. Also, people have a sedentary life and they prefer to be watching TV or playing videogames for a long time. Physical activity is very important to us because if we consume many calories, we will need to exercising to burn that calories and thus avoid obesity.

Genetic inheristance

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The last consequence is genetic inheristance. According to Anne Collins  (2000-2007)
Genes affect a wide range of chemical functions in the body and affect our weight in many ways. For example, metabolism, hormones and body fat disposition are all affected by genetic inheritance.
But the precise affect of genes on weight and weight gain is hard to measure. For example, our eating habits and lifestyle (e.g. watching TV) are largely conditioned by family environment. So even though a child with two overweight parents is estimated to have a 70 percent chance of growing up obese, this may be due to family influence rather than genetic influence.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

As mentioned in the begining
 ¨Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat. A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight. The most common measure of obesity is the body mass index or BMI. A person is considered overweight if his or her BMI is between 25 and 29.9; a person is considered obese if his or her BMI is over 30.¨  However, the BMI not always represent total muscle mass, and this can be more than normal and this is not bad. for example, the bodybuilder have more muscle than fat, and if they take the BMI the test will be showing that they are obese.

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Saturday, November 5, 2011


childhood obesity statistics in America (June 18, 2011).        america.html
Jamie Stowe (24 May 2011).

 The Nutrition Post (2010)        
Michael Wayne (November 19, 2009)
Picture Retrieved From:

WebMD Medical Reference (2005-2011 WebMD, LLC). Healthy Eating & Diet.

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